Joi, along with other amazing panelists discussed The Cook’s Nook’s mission as a partner in nutrition solutions and interventions, collaborating with CBOs, care providers, and insurers to serve at-risk populations. Watch the webinar recording from 9/17/2024 to learn more about our impact stories and tailored solutions.

At The Cook’s Nook, we focus on providing culturally relevant, nutritious meals to help create healthier communities. Joi shared some of the work we’re doing alongside these insightful panelists:
Ronli Levi (NOPREN) – Opening remarks on food and nutrition security
Beatrice Abiero (Instacart Health)
Daryl Risinger (Soda Health)
Rosalind Santos Hall (Top Box Foods)
Moderated by Kevin Boyanowski

It was a great conversation about the intersection of food, nutrition and health equity!

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